Friday, February 22, 2008

Has anyone else noticed...

That Cleveland radio is like, the worst? It used to be tolerable...Rover was on in the morning, I had a few hours til O&A...and then I go home. Now O&A is on in the, I have to spend an hour a night updating my iPod and I pretty much miss O&A. To top it off, 92.3 insists on 'rocking out' all we're not all fully bored with 90's music, (you can only hear Belly or fucking The Offspring so much) and it sucks.

And, don't say Maxwell, cuz that guys weezing makes me wanna barf...and OH yeah. He's not funny. At all. Fuckin. A.


Unknown said...

Cleveland is better than Charlotte. Kenny Chesney or Flo Rida or Chris Daughtry - your choice. That's fucking it. Oh and last WEEK...literally, like 7-10 days ago, we got an oldies station (Beatles, Stones, Zep, etc). LAST WEEK.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, but I'd KILL for some the big ol' hairy Buzzard.